ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़

HAU organises training camps to increase cotton production and provides information on advanced technologies

Chandigarh, April 1- Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar organised various training camps for farmers to increase cotton production, and provide information on improved varieties of seeds and technical know-how.

        In the training camp, Research Director Dr. Jeet Ram Sharma told the farmers that the pink bollworm infestation spreads due to the wood and brushwood kept in the fields. These should be properly managed.

        Saina Nehwal Institute of Agricultural Technology, Training, and Education,  Co-Director (Training), Dr. Ashok Godara said that the institute provides various types of training from time to time.

        Dr. Karam Singh, in charge of the Cotton Section, said that for BT cotton, pure nitrogen, pure phosphorus, pure potash, and zinc sulfate are recommended at 70:24 and 24:10 kg per acre respectively. The amount of fertiliser should be decided based on the soil test. 5-7 tonnes of cow dung manure should be applied once in five-six years. In the camp, the farmers were also provided with productive material by the university.

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